About Us
Proteger is a Smart Machine Analytics system for Industrial Machines.
It can talk to Machine's PLC system and collect every bit of Machine information and send it to it's Cloud based server. The server runs Big data storage and Analytics engines to derive maximum Business Intelligence and present it to end viewers with lucid and interactive visualisations which makes root cause analysis faster and preventive maintenance prompt.
Proteger uses modern IoT frameworks, Large data stores and Machine learning-based models to bring Smart Technologies ot the fore. It saves up to 40% of costs in machine maintenance and helps reducing machine downtime by 60%.
We will utilise the sensors that is available on site. Based on need, we will install additional sensors as required.
Our devices to collect data from sensors and to transmits to the cloud server over GSM, WiFi or Ethernet.
Our Analytics Engine generates Intelligent reports Realtime alerts.
Our intelligent platform can send commands and controls to the site equipment based on our Prediction Engine.
Machine Production Industry faces
Machines run in "Island Mode" - What happens at site, remains at Site. Decision makers get ambiguous reports which sometime stifles the decision making process. Reports just present a snapshot. Preventive maintenance turns out to be a costly affair.
Why Choose Us
Our Services
Use IOT to provide higher value added services
Create a value addition for which the customer is willing to pay.
To reduce man power usage and thus allow us to service more at the same time
Our technology partners provide us with access to the latest tools, platforms, and innovations, enabling us to offer state-of-the-art solutions that enhance efficiency, security, and performance for our clients.